- The ability to modify the image, name or your even the status of the bot
- Message Embed color control
to match your server design - Add a line design
between each message - Automatic reaction to messages
We offer exclusive features that make our codes or bots with beautiful features that make your server or project unique
The ability to modify the image, name and status in the discord botEasily via simple commands
We give the customer the freedom to modify the codes that we offer and we also give the customer the freedom to request modifications to the pre-programmed discord bots that the customer subscribes to
The bots that we provide to subscribers have a high response speed and a near-instant response of up to 30 millisecond
As long as you are subscribed to the bot, you will be notified by our bots via Discord on the status of your subscription, the remaining period or your if it expires soo
You will get bots with high stabilityWhich will be hosted on our cloud serversIt has a stability rate of 99.91%
Ready to enter?
you can view our pricing tables
by selecting the section
Feelings Bot
Beautify and facilitate channel feelings, arrange the messages in sending or your with the feature of adding automatic reaction to messages for more than one channel
SuperPlay Bot
Superplay is the revolutionary choice for the success of your server, not only for its features, but it is also an excellent choice due to the arrangement it adds to your server and the ease of use for your community, especially for new members of your community, due to its widespread, the member will not have to learn to use the bot again.
Cut Tweets Bot
Increase the interaction of your server through cut tweet bot, send cut tweets as text on the template that you specify, or in an embed or normal messages
Zajil Bot
Add the feature of communicating with members in an anonymous way in your server, send messages to someone without knowing the sender
Giveaway Bot
Create giveaways for your server members on a daily or weekly basis to increase members’ interaction and distribute gifts randomly by reacting to your giveaway message