Make your Community Gaming Chatting Fun
Discord server TIDY!

Join now our large customer base from all over the countries and make it easy to do your project, business or server on Discord

Community With our help, build an integrated server for your Discord community and make it the best and unique Gaming Let us help you build a better and more complete Discord gaming server, successful, stronger structure Chatting Make your discord server better for chatting with the help of our discord servers experts Fun Make your discord server more interesting for your members and make their interaction better
Gaming Let us help you build a better and more complete Discord gaming server, successful and stronger Community With our help, build an integrated server for your Discord community and make it the best and unique Chatting Make your discord server better for chatting with the help of our discord servers experts Fun Make your discord server more interesting for your members and make their interaction better

Take your server to the next level

Make your idea a reality!

Through our services, make your community happy by making your server integrated and does not need any additions Full server Insufficient packages? No need to worryContact us now and let us get to know your community more to know your server needs Editable Now get high quality music bots and high stability With the package dedicated to your server High quality Music Bots With each package there is an internal package of designs, which in turn contains many designs that meet the visual needs of your server Distinctive designs We do not ask you for any ownership of your server, it will be yours and we do not need it Ownership

    Ready to enter?
you can view our pricing tables


Startup Package

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  • Mini Design Package + Banner
  • 5 SuperPlay Music bots
  • Server Channels and roles


Buy now

The right package for starting your server If it's a server for a new community, this package will be good and fit for purpose and contain the basics of each new server.


Standerd Package

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  • Excellent Design Package
  • 15 SuperPlay Music bots
  • Server Channels and roles
  • 2 Bots as required


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The perfect package for your average server, which contains the designs and bots required to basically make your server complete


Superior Package

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  • Luxury Design Package + Info + Logo
  • 30 SuperPlay Music bots
  • Server Channels and roles
  • 4 Bots as required


Buy now

The best to make your server integrated in all aspects and not missing anything, It contains all the required designs, bots or your an arrangement of channels that make your server completely integrated and make you do not need anything extra.